Ridge Family| Downtown Lafayette, Indiana Family Session| Lafayette, Indiana Family Photographer

I had so much fun meeting the Ridge family in downtown Lafayette exploring and shooting in some fun spots. Its always so fun shooting in new locations and getting to be creative. When moving to Lafayette I didn’t know we would meet such special friends like the Ridge family but we did. Kristen is a local make up artist with a studio in downtown Lafayette and her husband Marc loves playing music at local shows around town. My husband is someone who also enjoys playing guitar and him and Marc instantly clicked and became friends. So we just adore this family so much.

Harlan and Emory are seriously two of the most sweetest boys. Harlan so gentle and chill and Emory you know is like your average crazy boy. Our kids get along so well and just have the best time playing together any time we hang out. It felt so nice to explore downtown Lafayette with this sweet family and to catch up. It’s busy season for both Kristen and I so it was so nice to just be able to explore, catch up, and have some fun.

Downtown Lafayette has some of the prettiest wall art, fun alley ways, and the best parking garage to shoot from. So happy the Ridge family picked this as their location.